Friday, February 15, 2013

Potty training, is very draining

Sister girl will be three the end of July. We started trying to use the potty after Baby Busey was born, ten months ago.....which we stopped within a day or two. Turns out, breastfeeding a newborn, and constantly running to the bathroom every half hour, stuffing a boob in a hungry baby, and cleaning up puddles of pee didn't jive well.

Here we are, 10 months later, and the success rate of going in the potty (instead of on the couch) is much higher.  We set a timer, every 25 minutes we are all in the bathroom.  Buse likes to play in the toilet, dig through the trash can, and crawls on his sister, as she tries to go pee.  It's a hot mess, to say the least!  I scrape lot's of poop out of Dora panties (good thing we have lots of panties) but, this too shall pass:)

I'm fairly confident, with patience, time, and practice Sister girl won't be attending kindergarten in diapers.

Flash forward a year from original post.....Sister girl has been dropping bombs in the toilet for about six months now. Baby Busey is almost 2, and nearly ready to potty train. There really is a light at the end of the tunnel:)